
Monday, July 5, 2010

Taking a stand

This afternoon, we were invited over to K and G's house for some BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs. While we were all eating, I asked G if she would be willing to watch J while I took R in for some neurotherapy session on Wed morning. Her response kinda suprised me a bit.

She said that she was thinking of taking R to the zoo in order to "encourage" her to go back to ballet class (R had made it very, very clear that she did not want to go back to class *after one session* which made G blow up a bit). I responded that the reason why I was going to be taking R in for a neurotherapy session to begin with was because R was starting to show signs of being stressed out due to the pressure G was putting on her to be in ballet to begin with. Unfortunately, I don't think G sees that.

We had this kind of disscussion before on the day of the ballet class. G kept going on that R was trying to control me in that she tries to do whatever she wants when she wants to do it. She then asked if R pitched a fit about something that she doesn't want to do. In most cases, R will tell me that she doesn't want to do whatever but after 5 min, (with out becoming extremely emotional) she'll do what she's told. G didn't say anything once I pointed out (today) that she was putting unnecessary stress on R to do things that G did as a kid. In a way, it's like G is trying to live her childhood through R again and it's not going to work that way.

Needless to say, I didn't get a straight answer from G so, I'll have to find someone else to watch J on Wednesday morning.

G switched gears and started asking me quesitons about neurotherapy and how it works and helps. I suggested to her that if she (and K as well) went ahead and started the neurotherapy and then coupled that with counseling, they will both be able to learn coping skills in dealing with Donovan's death. In all reality, neither one of them are coping. I told her that neurotherapy will help her get through the extreme stuff (mentally and emotionally) and then the counseling will help them cope. Neurotherapy works much the same as psychologcial meds would but without side effects, quicker results, and no dependability on meds.

She mentioned that if she just thought positive things if negative feelings crept in that it's all she needed to do. I made a point that no amount of thinking is going to correct a chemical imbalance in you mind. Or like mental images that are stuck in your mind that are horrifying to see (like the soldiers coming back from a war zone). For me, neurotherapy (and The Almighty) has taken that image and helped turn it into peace.

More to follow....

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